Cedrus Atlantica Glauca workshop #1 – First Styling

Today I took my first workshop with the famous Danny Use of Bonsai Center Ginkgo.

For this workshop I chose a Cedrus Atlantica Glauca from Danny’s huge collection of bonsai starter trees. I chose the tree for it’s nice trunk movement and promising trunk base.

Danny suggested making it into a “mother/daughter”-trunk literati style bonsai because of the slender trunk. The bottom branch would become the “daughter”-trunk”. Who was I to disagree.

Here you see the before and after pic of the workshop tree. Danny and one of his assistents did most of the work. My wiring apparently could use some practice, that’s something to work on in the future. But we learn every day šŸ™‚

In April we’ll be repotting this tree into it’s 1st training pot.

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